Spray Foam: A Sustainable Solution to All Your Insulation Needs


Spray foam is a chemical product that is used as a packing material for insulation. It takes the form of the product that will be packed. This product provides one of the greatest insulations for household and commercial usage, with a high thermal insulation value and little to no air filtering. Let’s look at some ways hiring a spray foam insulation contractor can be beneficial for you:

1. Chemical Properties of Spray Foam: Spray foam is a chemical product created by isocyanate and polyol resin. This special formation gives spray foam a unique property that gives it a high R-value. "R-value" is a term given to the thermal resistance property of the material. The name foam insulation comes from the gas which is trapped inside tiny foam bubbles in the material. This gives it great heat-insulating properties because air is a bad conductor of heat. Spray foam typically has an R-value of 5 to 6 inches.

2. Reduces Allergens: The spray foam has the property of taking the shape of the material it is applied to. It reaches deep inside the cracks and crevices to completely block the entry of dust, including pollen grains from plants and other allergens into your house.

3. Prevents Fungus Accumulation: Spray foam prevents moisture from settling in one spot due to its complete insulation properties. This prevents the growth of unwanted mould on the wood and guarantees you a safe place to live.

4. It is sustainable: Since spray foam is long-lasting, it is more sustainable when compared to other insulating materials. It reduces energy consumption by reducing the amount of time you have to heat or cool your house. It does not contain any chemicals that damage the environment.

Contact PolarTech Spray Foam if you need high-quality spray foam insulation for your home or business. Residential, business and farm/agricultural clients all benefit from their insulation services. This organization was founded in 2008 and has a wealth of expertise in this field having served hundreds of people in Saskatoon and the surrounding area. Additional benefits of choosing this spray foam contractor include timely and efficient delivery of services with attention to details and quality being the top priority. They use only quality products that are CUFCA-certified.

About PolarTech Spray Foam:

PolarTech Spray Foam is a leading Saskatoon spray foam company providing insulation services in the area.

For more information, visit https://polartechsprayfoam.com/


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